Sunday, November 16, 2008

Why Blog About Moderation of All Things?

Dear All,

I have decided to create this blog because I feel that there is very much something to be said for the middle, the moderate, for being neither one extreme nor the other.

About me: I am a moderate liberal politically, but fiscally and socially conservative in my own behavior. The reason that I am a Democrat as opposed to being a Republican is that I don't wish to tell others what to do or how to run their lives. It is offensive to my very nature when people try to tell me what to think, especially if there are dire consequences forecasted for failing to do so, e.g. that I will burn in Hell for all eternity if I don't believe what they believe. By the way this is neither meant as a challenge, nor is it open for debate.

If you don't like my point of view, that is fine. You don't have to read my blog. What I am hoping, however, is that even if you think I am dead wrong, you will read my words without judgement, and that you will think about what I have written before disregarding it.


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