Saturday, December 6, 2008

Wrapper's Dream

Dear All,

I love to wrap things. I don't know why. I have always liked to wrap things. So, I am the family wrapper. I prefer to wrap things with right angles, but, if I do say so myself, I am an elegant and accomplished wrapper. Here are some of my more interesting wrapping problems and solutions.

Last year I wanted to give my husband something that was very large (3x2x2 ft.). While it was a neat shape, it would have taken quite a lot of paper and a lot of time, which I didn't have. My solution: a huge plastic bag (reusable, I might add) with penguins all over it. My husband like penguins and so he enjoyed the wrapping job and the gift as well. Oddly enough, I don't remember what the gift was, but I remember being proud of the wrapping job.

One of my least favorite things to wrap are things shaped like cylinders. So, I have several solutions. For small things, painting an oatmeal container and putting wrapping paper inside the lid works pretty well, as long as you like oatmeal. Another one is folding the paper in at 60 degree angles instead of 90 degree angles on the ends. The paper lies flat and looks cool. The last is a larger version of some gift card holders; they store flat, but become fairly round. The ends fold in so the from the front, the top and bottom are straight, but the sides curve inward. It makes a neat package, requires no tape, is reusable, and is easy to ribbon.

Last, my personal hell is filled with small items that come on cards, the ones that hang from the walls of stores. Blank newspaper inside wrapped around the item like a submarine sandwich makes the package smooth. The tissue paper wrapped in the same manner around the outside makes it look nice.

It is always nicer getting a gift wrapped by the giver instead of some professional wrapper. Using these techniques, I have enjoyed many fruitful hours of wrapping over the years.


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